I have an EV mini cooper with stock wheels that include yellow pinstriping. Unfortunately, the person who owned it before me struggled with curbs, and I've admittedly been run into two since buying it (I can't be THAT small??) I didn't want to pay $800 for BMW to repaint four little circles on my wheels, so I looked into other options. I settled on vinyl. I wanted to add racing stripes and decided to do black main with yellow pinstriping. This yellow is a near PERFECT match for the electric yellow badges and details.
Installation was fairly easy. The vinyl was fairly pliable and stretchy, almost to a fault, but I also got pin striping width so can't really expect otherwise when it's that thin. The vinyl seems to have applied pretty nicely and has held up for the last week or so. I don't see any peeling on the wheels either, though I expect it since I did minimal prep. The roll was big enough that I have plenty left for whenever that happens. Definitely bookmarking this store for my next purchase!
Keys for anyone googling the same things I was:
Electric Mini Cooper yellow, mini EV yellow, electric yellow, BMW electric yellow,