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In Stock
Retail: $85.99

Starting at $66.99

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The E.Z. Gripper Wide Media Installation Tool™ by Lidco is specially designed for vinyl film and vinyl wrap installation. Make your graphics applications and installations a one-person job and save on timer and money. This 30” gripper holds and supports media with its unique design and works like an extra hand for working with wide graphic materials. The E.Z. Gripper Wide Media Installation Tool™ maintains even tension of the media to reduce potential creases and avoid accidental folding and flopping of media edges. It handles wide materials on both horizontal and vertical installations and applies and controls media with or without pre-masking.

Availability: In Stock
Ships within 1 - 3 Business Days

Starting at $66.99

In Stock
Ships within 1 - 3 Business Days

The E.Z. Gripper Wide Media Installation Tool™ by Lidco is specially designed for vinyl film and vinyl wrap installation. Make your graphics applications and installations a one-person job and save on timer and money. This 30” gripper holds and supports media with its unique design and works like an extra hand for working with wide graphic materials. The E.Z. Gripper Wide Media Installation Tool™ maintains even tension of the media to reduce potential creases and avoid accidental folding and flopping of media edges. It handles wide materials on both horizontal and vertical installations and applies and controls media with or without pre-masking.

Availability: In Stock
Ships within 1 - 3 Business Days

Lidco 30-Inch Wide E.Z. Gripper Tool

The E.Z. Gripper Wide Media Installation Tool™ makes your vinyl graphics applications and installations a one-person job and saves you time and money. This thirty inch gripper holds and supports media with its unique design and works like an extra hand for working with wide graphic materials. The E.Z. Gripper Wide Media Installation Tool™ maintains even tension of the media so you don't accidentally drop the vinyl onto itself and ruin your install. Easily manipulate wide materials for both horizontal and vertical installations and applies and controls media with or without pre-masking. We know you'll love this premium Lidco product.

E.Z. Gripper Tool Features:

  • 30-inch Wide Size
  • One-person control on wider pieces of vinyl
  • Prevents ends and edges from folding or flopping
  • Evens tension on media and lessens potential creases
  • Handles wide materials on horizontal or vertical installation
  • Supports media above substrates with its unique design
  • Applies & controls media with or without premasking

Recommended Applications

Installation of large format vinyl.

  • Universal Fitment

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    Rvinyl — Made to Stick
    Rvinyl — Made to Stick

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