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Retail: $110.99

Starting at $99.99

Price: $99.99 $99.99
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With Rshield Genesis Headlight Protection Kits, you can say goodbye to expensive headlight replacements and hello to long-lasting protection. Choose from 7.9 mil Clear protection or 11 mil Smoke or Blackout Rshield Headlight Tint. With Rshield's machine-cut, computer-designed Headlight Protection Kits, you can rest assured that your car's headlights are in good hands (or film, rather). Made in optically clear, smoked and blackout, all with high-gloss finishes and low orange peel effect. No more frustration with headlight protection that doesn't stick - Rshield's adhesive is optimized for easy repositioning and minimal lift lines. Order Rshield's Headlight Protection Kit today and say goodbye to the stress of damaged headlights - your car will thank you.

Availability: Manufactured
Ships within 7 - 14 Business Days
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Starting at $99.99

Ships within 7 - 14 Business Days

With Rshield Genesis Headlight Protection Kits, you can say goodbye to expensive headlight replacements and hello to long-lasting protection. Choose from 7.9 mil Clear protection or 11 mil Smoke or Blackout Rshield Headlight Tint. With Rshield's machine-cut, computer-designed Headlight Protection Kits, you can rest assured that your car's headlights are in good hands (or film, rather). Made in optically clear, smoked and blackout, all with high-gloss finishes and low orange peel effect. No more frustration with headlight protection that doesn't stick - Rshield's adhesive is optimized for easy repositioning and minimal lift lines. Order Rshield's Headlight Protection Kit today and say goodbye to the stress of damaged headlights - your car will thank you.

Availability: Manufactured
Ships within 7 - 14 Business Days

Rshield™ Genesis Custom Headlight Protection Kit Features

  • Genesis custom headlight protection kits apply in under a half an hour
  • Computer designed and machine cut for a precision fit
  • Online installation instructions and videos
  • Available in great shades, colors and even invisible clear film
  • Genesis will be custom-designed for in 7 to 14 business days
  • Guaranteed to be UV stable and will not crack, peel or fade for 3 years

Genesis custom protection kits are the ultimate fusion product for your headlights. These custom-made headlight shields are available in standard clear film which is 12 mil in thickness and will defend your expensive stock or aftermarket headlamps from rock hits at speeds of up to 100 miles per hour! In addition to these invisible protective kits, also carries a variety of 15 mil films in vibrant colors like HID blue and JDM yellow as well as favorites such as matte black, high-gloss blackout and smoked tint. Protect your investment with a truly custom accessory that is as functional as it is stylish.

These warranty-backed, custom protection covers allow any enthusiast or DIY installer to get the protection and look of a professional installation for pennies on the dollar. If you're still not convinced take a look at the pop-up links above to review our complete text and video installation instructions. At we understand that personalizing your headlights can seem like a daunting task which is why we are constantly updating our how-to guides, videos and offer you round the clock support via email, chat and our toll-free number. And, with our satisfaction guarantee you know that we'll work with you if you run into any difficulties.

As with any of the protection kits we sell, installation tools and application fluids are not required but we do highly recommend them. When you have already taken so much time to find the right product for your Genesis why would you even consider cheaping out before you've gotten the results you want. Whether you choose to get installation aides from us or elsewhere we recommend at least purchasing a squeegee and fluids such as Rapid Prep and Rapid Tac to make your install as quick and hassle-free as possible.

Rtint® Smoked Films come in 14 different shades of smoke. The darkness of the shade is measured in a VLT (Variable Light Transmission) percentatge. This number measures the amount of light that can be transmitted through the tint naturally with no backlighting coming from a bulb. The higher the number, the the brighter the light will be that is allowed to pass through and the least amount of effective it will have on light output. The lower the number, the darker your light will appear. It works opposite of window tint VLT as you are trying to make the light appear darker on the outside rather than from the inside. Rtint® Smoke film, which is by far our most popular shade, will smoke your lights by about 38% while still allowing 62% of light to enter the housing. It will not block 38% of backlighting coming from a bulb, but will certainly have an affect on light output.

  • Blackout Smoke Tint: 5% VLT
  • Blue Smoke Tint: 30% VLT
  • Clear Protection Film: 99% VLT
  • Chameleon Smoke Tint: 85% VLT
  • Green Smoke Tint: 75% VLT
  • Matte Smoke Tint: 10% VLT
  • Midnight Static Cling Smoke Tint: 33% VLT
  • Neon Smoke Tint: 87% VLT
  • Orange Smoke Tint: 82% VLT
  • Pink Smoke Tint: 46% VLT
  • Purple Smoke Tint: 56% VLT
  • Red Smoke Tint: 17% VLT
  • Smoke Tint: 38% VLT
  • Yellow Smoke Tint: 85% VLT

Universal - MMY > Genesis

Watch & Learn

    Headlight Protection Installation
    Headlight Protection Installation
    How To Instal Headlight Tint Kits
    How To Instal Headlight Tint Kits
    Rvinyl — Made to Stick
    Rvinyl — Made to Stick

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