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Retail: $10.99

Starting at $7.99

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This Premium Silver Squeegee is made from ultra-durable nylon and is perfect for large format and fleet work. Resharpen its edge after each use and make it last for months if not years. Perfect for laminated vinyl and calendared films too, we know you'll love this Avery Dennison™Dennison® Premium Silver Squeegees.

Availability: Availability: Discontinued notify me

Starting at $7.99

Availability: Discontinued

This Premium Silver Squeegee is made from ultra-durable nylon and is perfect for large format and fleet work. Resharpen its edge after each use and make it last for months if not years. Perfect for laminated vinyl and calendared films too, we know you'll love this Avery Dennison™Dennison® Premium Silver Squeegees.

Availability: Discontinued notify me

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